Exploris Health at "Health 2.022

Exploris Health at "Health 2.022

Peter Ruff spoke at this year's "Health 2.022".

"What if active ingredients and new diagnostic procedures discovered in research today were available tomorrow and not in 15 years' time?" asks Peter Ruff.

At this year's Health 2.022 of the Finance and Business Forum, the topic was innovation in healthcare. Regulation slows down innovation in medicine. Peter Ruff used the Cardio Explorer to show that innovative solutions are available that meet the high requirements.

Many thanks to the organizers and our great conversation partners:

FuW Forum / GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute / Daniele Madonna / Gieri Cathomas / Dario Corica

(Image source: FUW Forum / https://www.fuw-forum.ch)
