Cardio Explorer now at Sana Praevention Munich and Frankfurt!

Cardio Explorer now at Sana Praevention Munich and Frankfurt!

As part of Sana Kliniken AG, Sana Gesundheit GmbH is one of the largest healthcare providers in the German-speaking region. In fulfilling this care mandate, responsible, sustainable and lawful action is thus a matter of course.

We are pleased to count Sana Praevention among our partners. Sana Praevention specializes in health and prevention and offers a Health Check-Up for private individuals or companies - based on the latest scientific findings and state-of-the-art diagnostic methods.
Exploris Health AG is looking forward to working with you!

Book your AI heart check-up with the Cardio Explorer now at Sana Praevention Munich(Our location: Munich - Sana Praevention ( or Sana Praevention Frankfurt(Our location: Frankfurt - Sana Praevention (!
